Terms & Conditions

Before you start using the Pharmainquiry.in website, you need to read and agree to these terms. If you don’t agree, you can’t use the site.

Website as a Platform:

The website is a place for people to buy, sell, and connect. We don’t get involved in the actual transactions between buyers and sellers.

Who Can Use the Site:

You can only use the site if you’re legally allowed to under Indian law, and you’re at least 18 years old. You have to follow the rules when you use the site.


This agreement applies to everyone who uses the site, whether you’re just browsing or you have an account. It covers all the services we offer.

Changes to Agreement:

We might change these terms without telling you. If you don’t like the changes, stop using the site. If you keep using it, you’re agreeing to the new terms.

Intellectual Property:

We own all the stuff on our website, like the design and content. You can’t use it without our permission.


Everything on our site belongs to us, unless we say otherwise. You can’t use it without our permission.


By using the site, you agree to get messages and alerts from us. If you don’t want them anymore, contact us.

If you want to stop the service, email info@pharmainquiry.in and call +91 8360955892 before the due date.